A peaceful winter drive in Minnesota.

Thanks for the beautiful pics of the Mn. land and your cool car!
Watch out, weather girl says its fixing to get real, real cold up your way!!!! Heck it is supposed to be a low of 30 here next Thur!!
30 degrees? That's what we call a February heat wave up here in Minnesota. Next Monday the high is -3 degrees below zero, wind chill in the -20s. Here's the weird part: Lots of us up here like to go out for a long hike on really cold days like this. Shows how sick we are! True fact: Several years back, the National Weather Service certified the coldest ever recorded temperature in the state of Minnesota. On 2/2/1996, it was -60 degrees below zero up in Tower, MN, and that was the static air temperature, not including the wind chill. A nearby town recorded a temperature of -64 below zero, but that didn't officially count as the mercury thermometer broke at that point. They have reliable weather records going back to the 1880s here in Minnesota, and that was the coldest day ever. So cold that when you spit, it's a BB when it hits the ground. Ouch!