1965 valiant advice

Just took a look at my 65 valiant. Looking at the star latch on the drivers door, it turns freely counterclockwise. You can hear a tooth ratcheting (clicking) as you turn it. I was able to turn it very slightly clockwise until it stopped, assuming it hit that ratchet.

If you can turn it either direction freely & there's no resistance/clicking sound, the ratcheting mechanism in there has likely bit the dust.

Hope that helps. Let us know what you find out.
Hey jack, I’ll definitely update the post as soon as I figure it out. One thing I noticed is there is a lever that you can see through small joe on the inside of the door just under the latch. If I open the door that lever stays out and I have to take a small screwdriver to push it back over. I’m going to savannah this weekend to pick up the parts car so I’ll be able to remove both latches and see if there is a difference and post pics. That film stuff works great. Before I sprayed the hinges I could Alina it wake my neighbors by opening the doors but now they open and make no sound at all. Keep ya posted on the latch.