Imma Leave This Right Here......

Back in the 70s my brother was working in a hotel restaurant in downtown Winnipeg where all the big name wrestlers of the day would stay. Guys like Baron von Rashke and the Crusher, George Scrapiron Gadaske, the Gagne's, etc. They were all buddies who ate and drank together, the show was just a show.
ya my favourite was The Baron when he would slap his arm down in his hand with the fingers of his other hand like a claw and say “Dats all da people need to knoooooooow” It was good fun we all knew it was fake. But it was fun entertainment. Used to laugh at Bobby the brain Henan running around trying to get away from some pissed off wrestler. And the steel fold up chairs. I could go on but I wish I could buy a boxed DVD collection would be a great time with a box of beer and pals