chrysler 3 speed manual dodge rv 360 Swap

What kind of three speed? There are a few versions and I would only use one behind a V8.
Hey Dude. It's a 230

These other numbers I took notes from it last summer not sure what they mean

I did some sort of decoder on some site and got this

First Line
(3) = 1973 year
(B) = Hamtrack Built Vehicle
383762 =VIN Number

Second Line
PP = New Process Gear Division Plant
230 = 3 Speed Manual transmission

Calculate a so-called "10,000 Day Calendar" date code here. Saturday July 29th, 1961 is Day One. Type a 1 to 5 digit date code into the calculator below and it will display the correct date.
4233 = Day 4233 is Wednesday, February 28, 1973