Good Lord I wish my **** looked that good!!! The body gaps on this stuff was horrible right off the assembly line back in the day. The amount of A body cars that Chrysler pumped out of Hamtramck MI. and Los Angeles CA. yearly was insane. Quality suffered as a result. Plus the "its good enough" mentality that the assembly line workers and buying public had at the time. Toyota and Volkswagen both changed that perception with the buying public. Good high quality built cars that got great gas mileage.

As a result we are all now used to perfect panel gaps, and better fit and finish on new cars no matter who makes it. As a consumer we realized that it could be done better, and demanded it by buying foreign cars that were built better. This old stuff wasnt perfect. Far from it. Get em close, and fuggetaboutit.

If you want it better, I have seen where people will weld wire onto the open gaps at the edges and grind it down to fill a door or fender gap to get it closer.