A good example of buying a 70 Duster done rather than building one

My Scamp has been my introduction the world of Mopar. I've had it about two years, and lemme tell ya, I was happy as a pig in **** to when I first got it. I thought the deal I got was too good to be true. Two years and an engine rebuild later, in addition to a new front end, rebuilt trans, and countless little things, I'm realizing more and more that the guy I bought it from was just flipping it. The paint wasn't even cured when I bought it, sloppy masking lines everywhere, the trim wasn't even removed - he just masked and painted right over everything.

Just about every day I'm out working on the car, I notice another little shortcut that was taken. Yes, I paid too much for the car, but you know what? I'm totally fine with it. Because it got me into this lifestyle. I absolutely love the community, I love learning, I love overcoming challenges, and of course I love to drive it.

Would I willingly overpay for something knowing now what I didn't know then? No. But as mentioned before, if someone had that money to spend and was just dying to get their hands on a Duster that they didn't mind working on, I say go for it. A car's worth is subjective to the seller and to the buyer.