Wheeler Dealers 65 Barracuda

got pictures? show us where the junk yard is on a map. post the address. go there and get video.

And you need to know all of that...why? The junkyard is not really open to the public, and the owners are sort of touchy about people taking pictures and video. The man who started the junkyard passed away years ago, and he and Richard were indeed, good friends. His descendants will let people in to browse and buy things....if someone they know and trust will vouch for you. That's how I got in there about 10 years ago. They wrote my name down in a ledger they keep of who has visited and been allowed in. 43jr #1 is definitely in there, but all it is, is a pile of scrap metal with some Petty blue paint still on it in places. Between the wreck, being scrapped out and buried, and then dug back up and hauled a hundred miles away and deposited behind a junkyard shed....you have to look REALLY hard to recognize any 65 Barracuda structure or resemblance. It was in the Barn Finds column in Hot Rod Magazine several years ago, but like me....the author respects the privacy of those folks and honors their wishes.