Last one to post in this thread wins!

I am not sure how it works there but in Michigan the orders to close did not include financial help but allowed the business` to apply for loans only. I dont know how long you can go without any income but for me it would not be long and I would open as he did to survive. We have lost over 3,000 restaurants forever here in Michigan during this and untold foreclosures on their homes because they lost income to still pay bills with.
There is some financial help but also help for the unemployed but not called E.I. Yeah it's created a lot of debt but you have to decide death or debt. I know what one I'd choose. We're slowly opening back up in most areas. Problem being that the people still in the restricted zones are still coming to our areas now to shop and go out for meals. They are restricted for a reason and that is because their numbers are still high. That's just bringing the chance of spreading the virus back out to us again. Can't get it through their thick skulls.