mars pictures..

This is the dumbest thing I've read in at least 10 minutes.
I will not go to a lake of fire, because there is no such a thing. Well, not since they put the fire out in Cleveland anyway.
6600 languages on this planet and you're talking bull$*&t.
If, as you say, there is no Lake of Fire, then in your opinion there is neither an AlmightyGod either.
Nor "other gods", and so;
the Egyptians are wrong,
the Muslims are wrong,
the Buddhists are wrong, and the Confucians, the Jews Native Americans,and the Christians,also.
In fact; every religion in the world that has One God, or many "other gods" is wrong,
according to gunbunny.

Tell that to any person who ever received a super-natural, miracle healing; like
the born-blind who received eyesight.
The guy who's sickness, disease, or infirmity, was vanquished;
The barren woman who had a child, long after her womb was dead;
The guy who walks without a limp, with no lateral ligament;
The once demon-possessed man;
The guy who drowned and returned to walk among the living with no measurable damage.
the little dog born with a heart murmur that struggled to walk out into the yard for a pee, that now walks a mile and is well able to jump up onto the couch.
And so on, hundreds, and thousands, and maybe, millions of cases.
AlmightyGod is like the wind; you cannot see the wind or from whence it comes or where it goes. You can only know it's windy by what flies on the currents, and by it's power.
It takes infinitely more Faith to believe that there is no God, versus that there is. The awesome handiwork of AlmightyGod is everywhere. And the ruination of the whole World by "other gods" is blatantly obvious.
But as always; you have freewill to believe as you wish. But your belief does not make truth. It only makes you see what you want to, and ignore what you don't understand.
Again I forgive you for lambasting me, but this time not to just prevent you from torture, but to also ensure my staying in the shadow of AlmightyGod's healing Power. Because if I don't forgive, then God has the right to not forgive me, when I err. And I don't want to be like you, namely; bereft of forgiveness, and enslaved to the dark one.
Ya know, I am reminded of a verse, I forget exactly how it goes ,so I will paraphrase; He that dismisses a thing without properer consideration, is a fool.
I know the words are not quite right, but the meaning is the same.
Consider what heats up the Earth, and what keeps it warm at night. Your god science says it's a molten core of iron; but consider that in the name of science, men have drilled deep into the Earth, to find it. But the deepest anyone has gone is about Eight miles, at which point, the drill-bits hit an impermeable layer. Hunh, an impermeable layer ...... Lemmee think; the drill bits are made of the hardest materials known to science, but they break when they hit the impermeable barrier. Un-huh. So science having gone only 8 miles down, makes the rest up.
Consider why the North is cold. If the Earth really was a ball, with a molten core, why would there be a frozen North? I mean anyone can look at the history of summer temps versus winter temps or daytime temps versus nighttime temps and see that it is NOT the sun, 93 million stinking miles away that heats up the Earth all by itself.
There is something molten down there all right,
but science cannot prove it is a molten iron core.
They can only speculate, because the deepest they have drilled is about eight miles down.. And you can Believe science, making science your Faith and religion.
But the truth is science is a liar.
You can tell by the destruction it has brought to the Earth, especially in the last 70 to 100 years. It is a wind of destruction, of heat, of hate, a war-machine, obliterating everything. In just a little while, there will be only a few men left standing, and most of those will STILL be denying God. Oh well; what satan has corrupted, cannot be easily undone.
I once was like you. Then I studied the wind. and the wind picked me up and carried me to where I am today. (no not literally) And I will never go back. I spit on the little-g god science, that has corrupted men's minds and hearts.
Am I a fool?
Yes I am; I am a fool for AlmightyGod who blesses me going in, and blesses me going out, who makes me the head and not the tail, who strengthens and quickens me, who takes care of all my needs, prevents the diseases of the Gentiles from coming upon me, and who holds the Promise, (not the carrot), of Everlasting Life in Paradise, to those that love Him.
I'd be a bigger fool to go back to that old life.