Stop in for a cup of coffee

Typical Fire chicken story. Dig the car out so she can use it today, of course she left the interior light on so the battery is dead. Ok jump it it is running alright home free right? Hell no the driveway is all wet gravel and goes up at a good angle prob 30 degrees up to the road. Tell her don't stop juts get to the road right? Ok its moving, stopping, moving, stopping, then rolling back sideways, hear something like a rock being thrown. She gets it to the road tell her just take it around the block and charge the battery quick. A few minutes later I hear a horn blowing. The pop was the front tire pushed sideways off the rim. Great and of course she shut it off. So jump it told her just drive it 100' to the house. She starts going down the neighbors driveway! WTF?????? Ok no traction on his mud, get it to the house no way I can jack it up till the ground dries out. Some how it is all my fault! I hate that piece of GM crap!
Ouch sounds like your morning isn’t starting off well