Stop in for a cup of coffee

Rich you might have to give me some ideas for the shop. This 40x30 has not a bench or cabinet in it and never has. Owner built it, got sick, and never finished that part. I'm going to get some interior pic of it today. It's all brick so I'm guessing the floor is thick enough to support a lift. We can always drill test it.
My garage guy @Sublime one has a cool idea to secure the lift to the floor. I'll have to convince him and the wife on a travel trip to Arkansas to stop by. So far all he's asked for is a burger and beer:eek:...I can do that!!:D

Great, what kind of doors, how many? I have two co-workers over the mountains who are ordering BendPak lifts together, they have 5 inch floors and they have a plan to address that, not sure what that is but might be plates. Does it have any 220 wired in it? I had one circuit installed for the lift and the electrician put one more conduit and wall plate in the wall for a second circuit, wasn't sure I'd need it but am now looking for bigger 220v compressor. Lets see those pics.