Did the Assembly Plants Lubricate Starter/Flywheel Teeth?

Frankly, I'm surprised that such starters as the old "twist Bendix" and the Ford/AMC style work as long as they do

Many years ago "in another life" a friend of mine's cousin and his "boys" were "Big Hammer and bang loggers." EVerything was done by brute force. If that didn't work, USE MORE --brute force

They had a 70's Ford 1 ton 460 used for the "gopher" truck. Oxy-acet, engine powered welder, and slip tank in the back. "It got down" into the ruts of the local logging roads.

He had bought a replacement starter, and not long after came back in a rage, " the starter quit, it left us stranded." Took it in the back and pulled the thing apart---it would not turn


His answer: "So?" "So what?"

Too dumb to "get it". Probably had left the dust cover off the bell, as well, I bet