New Craftsman era.

Back "in the day" when first getting into cars Sears was the go to source for Diehard Batteries, tire service and various starting or charging diagnostics, (among other services I never needed) and any hand tools (the free lifetime exchange warranty for damaged tools could not be beat) I remember the mechanics as being older guys that looked like my grandpa, been at it a long time, real mechanics who when you didn't know what you may know now, could trust that they would do things correctly. That's just where you went where we lived at the time. Now, Craftsman is just a name slapped on stuff that is no different than the other imported crap. Yard equipment is just different coloring, or paint and a badge. Parts cranked out at the same casting, stamping, molding, etc plants All you're buying now is a name. The glory days are gone. Like others mentioned, just walk right on by, or if feeling nostalgic might grab a tool or two every once in a while and flip it over to verify "yup, Made In China" Put it back, shake head :( and move on.