Too Agressive With the Leaf Spring Rebuild?

The shop that I trusted to augment my leaf springs for the '65 Formula S went and put a full leaf on both sides. The new leaf looks like it may be a larger "caliber" than the factory used, at least on the ends where there is very little "bevel" (new leaf in photo #1 is second from the right, a darker color than the factory leaves). I got more than enough extra lift in the rear now (maybe too much), but since the drivetrain, glass, fuel tank and other stuff have not been installed, I have no idea if we went too far with the new spring rate.

For one thing, I assume with the jack stands located under the rear axle now that all the weight is already being supported by the springs (motor/trans now installed but still no glass, interior, etc.). It looks like the factory style shocks are almost to the point of being hyper-extended so I attached a little home made "ruler" on each shock to monitor the travel of the rear suspension once it hits the road again. I am thinking we may have to re-evaluate the application of that full extra leaf and maybe cut it down some. Won't know for awhile though.

And even with an extended pinion snubber, the snubber is no less than 4 inches from the floor pan. That distance may not serve the snubber at all.

leaf spring 2.JPG

shock ruler.JPG

pinion snubber 6.JPG