Pushrod measurement opinion

Looking at various aftermarket rockers that oil/utilize ball adjusters they all have the oiling hole drilled in varying locations from the underside flat and when using a ball adjuster with a cup pushrod I’m thinking the adjuster initial setting should be set accordingly to line up at a point on the adjuster or based on where the top edge of the cup on the pushrod is vs just a set number of threads or a certain depth, don’t you think?

It depends on the rocker. Crane, after a serious bowl smoking party decided that since so many guys ran the pushrods too short they would lower the oil hole in the rocker. Bad idea. Because now the adjuster is so far out of the rocker you lose a bit of ratio.

In the grand scheme of things, the narrow, this area of the adjuster should line up with (or be very close to lined up) with the oil hole in the rocker. That’s how Chrysler designed them.

The oil is supposed to squirt oil out to the adjuster, hit that narrow part and run down into the cup. Get the pushrods too long and the oil hits the side of the pushrod and too short the oil hits the threads and takes too long to get to the cup.