clips to hold windshield reveal moulding

I'm working on a 1970 Dart 2dr Hardtop. Over the years I have ended up with 3 sets of the clips that screw to the channel around the front windshield to hold the moulding that goes around the windshield. I pulled them out to use one and it seems that here are two kinds of clips used, but the kits I have don't agree on how many of each. One is slightly taller and has a bit of a slot to the hole and the other is a bit shorter and has a round hole.
Each kit has some of each of these clips, but what has me stumped is that the kits have different numbers of each. The kit that is most explicit is this one:
It includes a little bag labelled like this:
There are 5 clips in the little bag and a lot more 15-20 of the other kind. One of the other kits (labelled for this application) has a bunch of the taller clip and just 5 of the short ones, and the third kit has 15 of each, but isn't labelled by the seller.

Does anyone know how many of which clips to use and where the odd ones go?