Weight loss and perseverance

An interesting day...and a bit of an epiphany.

While after last month’s extra physical activity drove my weight up with increased muscle mass, the first 10 days of this month saw my weight returning to where I expected it to to be based on caloric balance.

Then we got this week of unexpectedly warm early Spring weather and I started doing a lot of extra physical work again trimming trees and digging out a stump from a pine tree that blew down before Christmas.

It was 71* today and this afternoon so I went at it to do a lot more of the work at hand. I carried the tools and ladder up the back slope, climbed, sawed, dug and dragged until it was done. Only took a few hours and while I felt tired from the work, not overly so.

When I came in, my wife was grinning. Really not understanding, I asked her why.

She said “Because I watched you do all that work and you tore into it like you did 25 years ago and didn’t even pause.”

That’s when it struck me. I really have turned back the clock on my physical condition by at least 20 years. Even more surprising (to me) is that I am building substantial muscle mass and strength at 57 years old just by doing more...and feeling like doing it.

My weight is ticking up a little again...but I don’t care. I’m now stronger and more capable.

A far better reward than the numbers on the scale.

Oh yeah, and my body fat impedence meter says I have replaced fat with muscle in excess of what the calorie count says I should have lost in fat alone.

I am good with that!