Annoying new neighbors

Annoying neighbor fix: I had some illegal dump truck driving clowns move in across the street from me some years back. They bought a jukebox & put it on their front porch, playing Hispanic music at all times of the day & night. Calling local law enforcement would stop the noise for a day or two. I had to get up at 4:00 in the morning to be at work by 6:00. One day, all of the trucks were gone, no one was around but the music played on. I waited until dark & walked into the woods on the north side of my property with my 30.06. I waited until about 9:00 & pumped 3 rounds into the juke box & the noise suddenly stopped. There was an investigation & I was asked about the incident. I claimed no knowledge & the cops were satisfied, but one of the cops rolled by me & gave me a thumbs up as he drove away. About a week later, the truck drivers moved out & the county bull dozed the house. Come to find out, the truck drivers were squatting in an occupied house & the county took exception to 15 years of unpaid property taxes. I don't recommend my actions, but after asking them to turn it off & multiple visits by law enforcement, I took matters into my own hands.