Annoying new neighbors

I have a neighbor across the back lane that has been a pain in the *** for most of the nearly 8 years that I've been here. His house has been in a constant state of "construction/renovation" for about the same length of time. He has had friends or relatives who park their vehicles directly across from my garage door on multiple occasions, making it nearly impossible to get in or out of the garage. Has happened at all times of the day and evening, one day I came home from work to find a U haul truck blocking the lane completely and several piles of insulation strewn around the truck.
We have called the police, after any attempts to talk to him were met with insults and four letter words. The last time was last fall, I was changing the oil in my wife's car when a familiar truck pulled out and parked opposite my garage door. I had seen it several times and had asked in a less than polite manner to get it moved a couple years ago. This time I went over to the truck and politely asked the driver to please not park there since it was blocking my access. He said he was just going to quickly drop something off and he would be gone in a couple minutes. I said ok, no problem and went back to work in my garage. Not 2 minutes later, the idiot neighbor is in the lane screaming at me, calling me and my wife a couple of ******* assholes and the worst ******* neighbors in the world, etc. I walked out of my garage and stood on my side of the lane while he continued his bellowing, this was a Saturday afternoon, several other neighbors were out in their yards. As he continued his string of profanity, I just stood watching and listening, the only thing I did say was that I had asked politely that the truck not be there. After a good minutes worth of screaming and yelling, his false teeth fell out and hit the ground. It was all I could do to not lose my mind laughing at the idiot. Since then it has been pretty quiet, but the weather is getting better and he has been back to working on his house. Time will tell, and I have to go out and change the oil in my wife's car again today, plus I think I will do some more work on my Dart.
Can't imagine saying anything cross to a 7' tall guy like you and not get clobbered.
Wish I had your patience.