Annoying new neighbors

This is something I am worried about. I have had the best neighbors for close to 30 years but one of them will be moving within the year. Hopefully the new ones will be as good as the existing

Yes, be worried. I say that because how you live your life and how you enjoy your property can easily be looked at different from someone else.....

Been dealing with it for 5 years. Owner turned adjacent house into section 8. The list is long including me smearing his sorry *** pitbull all over my front yard..... I should have moved 4.5 years ago. Looking to do something about it now but the market it stupid but when the crash comes I will make a change and get some land.

We now have a world full of entitled people who have zero respect for others... And I remind people that it can happen to anyone unless you have 50 acres and your right in the middle of the property.....