R3W7 Assembly


I'm looking at bringing pressurized oil out through a .028" hole to oil the gear drive. I've come up with about 4 ways I could do this.

I can bring oil out of 'A' and spray it 90 degrees onto 'B'. But, that's not a great place due to the direction of rotation and centrifugal forces...it'll fling the oil all over and generally not where I want it to go.

I can bring the oil out 'A' and pipe it down to 'C' to feed the crank gear. This is good because oiling the crank/idler gear is spinning twice as fast as the cam gear. But, it still is counter to the direction of rotation and is not the best as far as centrifugal forces and my desire to feed the cam's thrust needle bearing with oil.

I can send oil from 'A' to 'D'...this will feed the oil into the gear mesh but a lot of oil will still fling off the gears.

My best solution so far is to bring oil out 'E' and aim it 90 degrees at the cam needle bearing. This will oil the bearing well, and I'm thinking the oil will then fling out until it hits the inside of the cam gear. If I drill some small holes at the bottom of the cam gear teeth, the oil will work its way out and lube the gear teeth.

Also, why did Milodon drill the gear plate with extra holes half-over the cam galleys? Did some year small blocks (or Hemis) need holes there?

Gear drive oil.jpg gear drive oil plate.jpg