Cats---I LOL'd LOLOL

If my pets had to stay outside in Pa I wouldn’t have any. With owls, hawks, coyotes, eagles, etc that would be no life for them. Add in the temperature ranges we experience they even have rules stating the time pets are allowed outside.

we have animal husbandry laws here also. But the laws here take into account if the animal is outside year round a proper shelter is to be provided. Those other animals you mentioned ie coyotes rabbits squirrels deer they all survive and thrive outside with no shelter and forging for food. Nature has its ways and has done so for thousands of years. I’m not saying I’m right not saying your wrong all what I am saying is that maybe man should melding with mom nature. We where talking about this on another post. How kids now grow up in a semi sterile environment which COULD have weakened immune systems. When I was a kid about 400 years ago we ran around outside playing eating dirt getting into everything our immune systems were firing on all 8 ya we got sick for 2 days and then mom kicked us back outside. Just an opinion