At an emotional crossroad

Thanks Everyone for the support, it means a lot!!! This past year was hard for me, and and much worse for others, but in retrospect it was inevitable that this was going to come up... what to do with the car. Good and Bad emotions, pain, anger and a lot of guilt, and 8 years later the car brings back those memories... I miss not being able to have a beer, leaning over the fender wondering what to do next.. i miss that. I have a lot to think about, and how to do it... but i'm feeling much better, in whatever the next evolution of the Dart will be.

Sorry if this all seems a bit... words fail me now, but sad comes to mind, to post on a car site filled with people I don't know. But sharing helps, even if it's for just for a moment... it helps and ALL of you are Awesome! And I ever meet any of you... The first beer's are on me! Maybe at the next Roadkill Nights! I am Woodward after all!

I can't end without saying what you already know.....Car (Dart) people are the best! It's like at the track, the SOB is talking S**t, sitting at the line Blasting the double purge trying to get in your head, then double bulb's you. Funny thing... when you break and your scrambling to make the next call, he's there jumping in to help, even loaning a part off his car without even thinking about it. You guy's are stopping to help someone on the side of the road, you don't know, and asking how you can I help? I'm sorry to hear the sad parent stories, but looking back... as most of us do later in life, I learned... some bad, most good.

No matter what the difficulties we're enduring, you people are always going to be the Guy/Gal pulling over... asking how can I help?

I'll share a moment... I chopped my D60 3 inches, and test fitted it for looks... Dad comes under the hoist with one comment.. "That's Bitchn'"

With Enduring Gratitude,