At an emotional crossroad

My parents divorced when I was 10 and Dad wasn't around much after that. He passed in 2006 and, although we weren't close I was there and really hold no anger towards him. I remember when I was young (before the divorce) he and I would go out to the car lots and, look around for fun. He liked cars but, wasn't a guy who wrenched on them.

Fast forward to my son who is 19, are likes and dislikes are not the same. I have tried to teach him things about wrenching on cars....sometimes successful and, sometimes not. Sometimes its my fault it doesn't work out and, sometimes it's not. Our relationship has been a struggle especially over the last 2 years. I wish it were better as I don't want us to have the type of relationship my Dad and I had but, one lesson we all should learn is you can't control other people.

I have done my part not to butt heads with him recently. My biggest thing that just pisses me off is when he won't listen to advice on how to do something on a car or, if he asks how to do it then argues with my reply. I just walk away and tell him...Good Luck!!! Do it your way!! The Duster i built is going to be his one was going to be his graduation present but, since he is not responsible enough and, the little he did drive it he didn't respect or take care of it, him receiving this car will be down the road a bit. I fully expect him to change things on it and put his twist on it. Your Dad would be the same. He was excited about the car and sounds like you are too so, put it together with what you can afford and enjoy it. Thats Hot Rodding...just making things work for your budget.
Sorry for being long winded...