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This reminded me of the Chrysler-powered air raid sirens. When Chrysler engineers set their minds to something it was usually no holds barred; powered by first gen hemis. It is still the loudest such device ever produced at 138 dB at 100 ft.
That's even louder than an Amber alert at 2 am.
The Chrysler Air Raid Siren Was So Powerful it Could Induce Rain | Amusing Planet

Chrysler Air-raid Siren
In my neighborhood the owner of a Mustang shop has a hemi powered Victory Siren. He convinced the city to sell it to him and hired a crane to get it down from the roof it was mounted on.
He also has a jet engine smoke generator. One 4thof July he fired both up. The whole neighborhood came to see what the ruckus was. Then came the cops. They asked him to stop because in Oakland, that many people out in the streets frightens the police department.