Working on my cars with gloves on?

Time will tell. For many years I worked on iron that was about 350°. You get used to gloves real fast.

I've spent most of my career working in freezers and on freezer equipment. Those gloves keep my hands warm but you can't work in them. I take them on and off all the time.

After working every day as a lineman for 28 years, and wearing rubber gloves up to my elbows that are insulated for 20K volts, that also have thick leather glove protectors on them.........I never even notice nitril gloves or Mechanix gloves when fooling with the cars! I have a mild case of psoriasis, and it really only affects my fingernails. A few of them are loose from the tip, to about halfway back to my cuticles. I wear gloves to keep grease out from under those ones, because it's hard to get it out. I finally got caught using my wifes tooth brush to scrub my nails!

I hate having to wear our arc flash gear. The double gloves suck and I'm glad don't do it often... almost never since I have guys to do that for me.