Stop in for a cup of coffee

So today is the much anticipated single malt tasting challenge out in the shop. We are sampling three from North America and three from Scotland. Everything was going great until Jodi walked out into the shop where the event will be held. She commented in that soft polite tone that wives have that implies you shall do as I command. Are you going to clean this place up before your guests arrive? The part she was not aware of, is I have been doing exactly that all week in preparation and thought the place is spotless. Hasn't looked like this in years. The ever present scent of race gas gently edging out the distinct odor of burnt grease on old steel. Cat litter in neat piles to reuse, shop rags not quite clean not quite dirty folded and aligned. All box’s closed. No fenders, drive shafts, or misc parts on floor. Nary even an extension cord uncoiled. I simply looked at her and replied yes ma’am I am going to clean it before they arrive, she looked me in the eye and said good. Then walked back in the house. I am a dead man.