Guide to Rear Shocks for Ladder Bar Drag Car (Pro Street)

Ok. That means rocker arms don’t work either. Shock speed is EVERYTHING. Since the early 1980’s most dirt bikes have had double adjustable forks and shocks. It’s the same thing. That’s why they were moving the shocks forward and laying them down. Thats why they ALL went to the stupid single shock and linkage arraignment, and not coincidentally, the rising rate of a “modern” bike is about the same as a 1981 490 Maico. That’s what changing the valving on the shock does, doesn’t it? If you reduce rebound damping the shock comes apart easier (and faster). It’s not hard to grasp.

As for I said I control that with the 4 link. If the car pitch rotates like it should the separation will be minimal anyway.

Thing is typical ladder cars are like the earlier bikes with simple upright shocks. Closer you move their shocks to the front pivot point, the less the shock's ability to dampen motion at the axle. Travel range of the axle increases, but that shock has less ability to dampen reactions.

When you don't have enough shock to begin with, moving that same shock closer to the bar's pivot point makes things worse, not better. Move those same shocks all the way forward to the pivot point, they will have zero ability to dampen axle motion. Degradation of damping ability is pretty linear as an upright shock moves closer to the pivot point, there is no sweet spot or curve where things get better before they start getting worse.
