Annoying new neighbors

Well, this just gets better it seems. I was out in the garage this past Tuesday after work, got a new spacer plate for my Dart and decided to try it and see if the car runs any better than it had been. Swapped out the open spacer for the new 4 hole version that Edelbrock recommends for my carb, also put in a new fuel pump as it seemed like it might have been weak, even though I checked it a few weeks ago. Got everything together, and started the engine, now full disclosure I am presently running headers with 2.5 inch pipes into Flowmaster 40 series mufflers, ending at the rear axle. It's a bit loud. A minute or so after I start it, the idiot neighbor's wife comes out into the lane, looking like she's having a bad day, and waves to me to come out of the garage. I walk out to the edge of my garage approach, and she tells me that she has just lost someone very close, has been crying all day, and would I please not make so much noise as she is in fact having a terrible day. I said ok, give me 5 minutes to finish up what I'm doing and I'll shut it down, no problem, demonstrate that I'm not an asshole like her husband.
I let it warm up until the choke opened up and shut it off, maybe 3 or 4 minutes, I had planned to go for a road test, but under the circumstances thought it could wait, besides, my oil pressure line had developed a leak and I figured it should be fixed before I took it out again anyway.
Fast forward to this afternoon, I haven't touched the Dart since Tuesday night, went and repaired the oil pressure line and decided that I would see if in fact all of the wiring remained intact for the OE ignition system. Went through the wiring diagram and found all of the harness still mostly there. Checked for power as necessary, and connected it all back up. Started the engine again, opened the overhead door, and let it run while I filled a couple of low tires. While I'm filling the left rear, I hear my name called, and thinking it's my wife shouting from the door, I look up, nope, door is closed, no wife in sight. I hear my name again, look out the overhead door, and there at the edge of his property is my asshole neighbor, giving me the middle finger. It's maybe 4 pm, Sunday afternoon and I truly don't get what the **** his problem is, considering he is regularly running saws and pounding nails, etc in his constant home renovation that has been underway for some 8 years now.
Thinking I might invest in some cameras as I am expecting this prick to progress to the next level in his harassment. I have already caught him on more than one occasion putting his garbage in my bin, plus all the incidents of parking in the lane, and verbal confrontations. I would be looking for blood if something were to happen to my wife or my dogs, I would not be surprised if he attempted to burn my garage either.
It's not like some of the other neighbors don't make noise either, the one beside him frequently runs chain saws, snowmobiles, and dirt bikes, doesn't bother me in the least, he only does these things during daytime hours, and the few times I have talked to him he has been friendly enough. Most of the other people in the neighborhood are generally quiet, normal folks. Besides, I'm not breaking any laws, we do not have an HOA, and noise ordinance is only in effect from 9 pm to 7 am.
I think I'd give him a wedgie or tie him to the rail road tracks. Just kidding kinda.