Last one to post in this thread wins!

I tried posting some pics of the progress but for some reason that won't work

Well, I got the frame up (all you old geezers probably forgot what I'm working on, it's a lean too shelter for the paddle boat)

And right now I'm waiting at a semi local plant to pick up the OSB board
It will be 2x4 instead of 8x4 but who cares when it knocks the price down from almost 100 bucks to just under 50?
(Granted the full sheets would have left me with a 2x8 sheet left over, but I would have had to cut it myself too, so phooey on that

Oh, and dollars to donuts, the 2x4 sheets will be much more fun to toss up there then the 8x4s

After this I'll stop by lowess and get some 2x4x10 studs and I'll be in business
What roofing are you gonna use, tin shingles or what?
Moving right along with it so won't take you long to finish it I bet.