old school 4 to 4 1/2 wheel adapters

I know conversation in this type thread is frowned upon. Sometimes I feel it is necessary.
The outer diameter of adapters cause them to land on top of a welded on drum balancing weights in some applications. If they do not sit flat against the drum face they will fail. Improper install is why adapters got a bad reputation many years ago. Those that had the instructions didn't always follow them.
Sure todays billet aluminum adapters are stronger than cast metal but... ANY addon aftermarket part needs to be properly installed. The main problem with these used adapters today... They rarely include the printed instructions for proper install. "Flat against the drum face. Clearance as needed at weights, torque evenly."
I have ran these same cast adapters on 2 different cars without a problem. I didn't just throw them on, beer in one hand, impact in the other.