Last one to post in this thread wins!

Still waiting here for rain but none in site.

no sign of rain here either
clouded skies though

but promising enough i decided to start a fire

on a side note, i was working on the lean too today
got the sheathing completed, and put an end cap on

all i need now is the shingles

the bad news is half of the ridgecap of the shed is missing too and even a few shingles are gone, so chances are im going to reshingle the entire thing

i guess i wont have to worry about matching new shingles to old

but i digress

what i was fixing to tell yall, i had all the girls over today, and they had a few friends over, so long story short, there were 6 girls on one paddle boat
now, you got to know, this pond in in the back yard, my wood pile is in the front yard, behind a different shed

so im sorting through my wood pile, looking for a somewhat straight board to use for an endcap when i hear a squeal that is somewhere in the middle of a young pig caught in the tracks of a rusty tank and the bride of dracula when she awakens from her slumber to the horror of Dr Van Helsing impaling her heart with a hickory stake...times 5

so i drop what im doing and haul back over there fully expecting the paddle boat to be sinking, and all 6 of the girls to be heading to the depth of the pond like 6 miniature titanics

i made it back to the pond just in time to see them mooring the paddleboat at my fishing pier
turns of em saw a spider