looking for wiper switch info

DionR, I would love to have the part number of that 72 switch to you have in your car. If you can get the part number and post it here, that would be great.

Sorry about the delay. Switch number is 3488764 and 23199. It has 6 plugs on the back and 3 positions in addition to off. When I push on it, it moves in and out and turns the switch to the first position.

I know I don't have the 3 speed wiper motor, so not sure what the 3 positions in the switch would do, other than I have never had an issue with how it works. Could be that position one is slow and position 2 is fast and I never tried position 3 because I didn't have a wiper motor to use it and was pretty much unaware it was there.

I checked my FSM and it doesn't appear that there was an option for an electric washer motor with the 2 speed wiper switch.

Pretty sure my car didn't come from the factory like this, I think someone added the switch and electric pump (probably me years ago). No idea why it works at all.