Perpetual motion machine

I think Nicola tesla would disagree....problem is greed why energy isn't free

Nicola Tesla had nothing to do with perpetual motion because it's not real. He did basically invent/discover wireless transmission of power. Marconi stole his ideas for the antennae. When asked how it worked, Marconi could not explain it. Again, that power is usually high voltage and lower current. so it's transformed and there are losses. I built a tesla coil, actually several, back in the 90s. You could fire it up and light a flourescent build across the room with it. LOT's of energy transformation .. to light a bulb.

Don't get me wrong, Tesla was a fricking super genius and made Edison look like a chump on many occasions. But he didn't make "free power". he made a great way to move power and use it in A/C motors, brushless devices etc. Nothing free....