Pick a state

Yeah, my brother is in Fort Collins. All that is definitely true
Isn’t it sad that people have to leave there state to go somewhere else because the democrats ruin it, I live in the wonderful state of taxachusetts and I own a gun shop to boot, you wouldn’t believe the BS that I have to put up with here, and I know people will say if you don’t like it leave well first off it’s not that easy to uproot a 27 year business and just move, and secondly why should I be forced out, I choose to stay and fight too try and get some change here, I try to educate people on a daily basis to try and change there mind and realize they have been been voting to have there taxes raised and way of life degenerated, then a lot of them move to red states and bring there same **** *** politics with them and ruin that state it’s like a cancer.