Now for the story. This is Saturday, going S on US95 I go up "Mica hill", up over the top where it turns into a 4-lane 60 zone, and there are maybe 4 of us, spaced out, doing maybe 62-63. A sheriff unit steams by in the left lane, doing maybe 65ish

We start down the other side, a long decline, and so maybe 1/2 mile up is the deputy, behind him is a pickup, me some distance back, and a couple vehicles behind me.

Someone steams by on the left, doing 68ish-70--in a 60. He drives on down, and you can sort of see the "stumble" when he realizes it's a cop, he slows and pulls to right behind another vehicle, then after a brief moment pulls back out and kinda "hovers" there in the left lane, creeping up, following the cop, when -----LOLOL-------- the deputy turns on the lights and lets them flash for about 3 cycles and then turns them back off!!!!----------So the guy following pulls in and slows down LOLOL

Same thing happened to me. I was on my way to Edmonton a while back up highway 2 and come to the back of a long line of cars in right hand lane of two lane divided all pegged at 110 kph limit. I begin to pass reasonably and make my way to the front (about mile long). At front of the line is an unmarked pickup. By now I figure somethings up so slowly start to pass him maybe doing 112 kph. As soon as get within range the lights go on. I then thought about continuing to pass and "taking one for the team" but didnt. This went on for about 20 minutes and i watched others come up and try to pass. When the officer pulled off at off ramp in Leduc, it was like the pace car going into the pits. To this day, I don't know what the purpose of this was. Most days, this highway is 120-130 kph.