

Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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No, I did not get a ticket, nor did I get stopped

This I hope will eventually result in a story:

Sat drove down from Coeur d Alene to "close to" Tekoa WA to pick up some junk outboards. On the way I saw no less than FIVE Kootenai County sheriff units, and I think FOUR (different vehicles) on the way back

Yesterday I drove up to Sandpoint and bought an old '50 Johnson cool-as-hell 10 hp and had lunch with a friend. There were FIVE state bulls in an "alledged construction zone." Now this is NOT a construction zone for a couple of reasons. First, the lanes are not narrowed any different than they had been BEFORE construction, and there's no WORK going on, no EQUIPMENT on the side of the road, there isn't even any dangerous pavement cuts or narrowed shoulder. And yet on a Sunday, for a few miles over the limit, there they are, stopping people WHICH IN ITSELF CAUSES a dangerous situation for several MORE reasons-----it causes an "attraction" which distracts drivers who should be watching the road instead of the sideshow, and of course inhibits traffic flow as well as causing an obstruction on the shoulder. SO IT IS A DANGER in itself

Now for the story. This is Saturday, going S on US95 I go up "Mica hill", up over the top where it turns into a 4-lane 60 zone, and there are maybe 4 of us, spaced out, doing maybe 62-63. A sheriff unit steams by in the left lane, doing maybe 65ish

We start down the other side, a long decline, and so maybe 1/2 mile up is the deputy, behind him is a pickup, me some distance back, and a couple vehicles behind me.

Someone steams by on the left, doing 68ish-70--in a 60. He drives on down, and you can sort of see the "stumble" when he realizes it's a cop, he slows and pulls to right behind another vehicle, then after a brief moment pulls back out and kinda "hovers" there in the left lane, creeping up, following the cop, when -----LOLOL-------- the deputy turns on the lights and lets them flash for about 3 cycles and then turns them back off!!!!----------So the guy following pulls in and slows down LOLOL
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This is neat!!! '49 or '50 10HP Johnson + a unique tank for 75 bucks. Seems to have good compression, which means it turns over. Shifter is on front lower cowling, very unique

Turns out this series was very similar all the way from '49 to 63 so far as powerhead mechanics




Go to about 4:20

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The ones from the Tensed area 120 for all 4 61 Sea King 35 or 40 hp, locked up. 64 Evinrude 28 hp locked up 56 Evinrude 10 hp turns over seems good compression, and can't read model, 62-ish Johnson likely 40 hp turns over There was a 5th outboard, his girlfriend sold it before I got there LOL


Now for the story. This is Saturday, going S on US95 I go up "Mica hill", up over the top where it turns into a 4-lane 60 zone, and there are maybe 4 of us, spaced out, doing maybe 62-63. A sheriff unit steams by in the left lane, doing maybe 65ish

We start down the other side, a long decline, and so maybe 1/2 mile up is the deputy, behind him is a pickup, me some distance back, and a couple vehicles behind me.

Someone steams by on the left, doing 68ish-70--in a 60. He drives on down, and you can sort of see the "stumble" when he realizes it's a cop, he slows and pulls to right behind another vehicle, then after a brief moment pulls back out and kinda "hovers" there in the left lane, creeping up, following the cop, when -----LOLOL-------- the deputy turns on the lights and lets them flash for about 3 cycles and then turns them back off!!!!----------So the guy following pulls in and slows down LOLOL

Same thing happened to me. I was on my way to Edmonton a while back up highway 2 and come to the back of a long line of cars in right hand lane of two lane divided all pegged at 110 kph limit. I begin to pass reasonably and make my way to the front (about mile long). At front of the line is an unmarked pickup. By now I figure somethings up so slowly start to pass him maybe doing 112 kph. As soon as get within range the lights go on. I then thought about continuing to pass and "taking one for the team" but didnt. This went on for about 20 minutes and i watched others come up and try to pass. When the officer pulled off at off ramp in Leduc, it was like the pace car going into the pits. To this day, I don't know what the purpose of this was. Most days, this highway is 120-130 kph.
i drive a mopar...i gotta watch for cops wherever i go
I remember driving through Montana years ago on my way to Milwaukee when the speed limit signs said ‘reasonable and prudent’. The weather was nice and the roads were dry but it still felt weird passing a cop. I had to remember when I crossed into North Dakota that I shouldn’t be passing cops anymore.
I think it's an international issue. They're trying to find who's buying up all these old boat motors. So if you didn't have any in the bed of your truck that's why they didn't stop you. Had they seen the motors in the bed of your truck you would probably be in jail right now.
LOLOL Tore down the 64 Evinrude 28 this afternoon, and as expected, the powerhead is junk. Got the 40hp Sea King on the stand and got it to turn over, threw some oil in the cylinders (it was stuck) and cranked it on the electric starter for about 30 seconds. I brightened up. Thought "GREAT!!"

But then (I've learned) I wiggled the flywheel and discovered the worse----grating play in the rod bearings--they are needle bearings--so if they got water in and rusted, they are junk. So this one is likely junk too
In Pa. State Police have radar guns for speed traps, now I hear they are wanting to let local police have them. They are trying to recoup revenue they lost from the covid shutdowns is what I'm thinking. As an observation, people are driving too fast. i am usually in the slow lane doing 70-75 and people go around me:) The norm has been, a speed trap by state troopers once a month, all other times no speed traps and local police just come out and scrape you and your car up when you wreck. State troopers write the tickets local police do wreckage cleanup.
Yup they draw cops like flies to ****. Some because they just want to look at car. Others because they think here’s an easy mark. So ya gotta keep your ducks in a row.

Some things never change. My car was repainted silver over the original Plum crazy when I bought it in the early 90s. the story was the guy before me painted it because the local police always pulled him over because they knew the guy in the "Purple Dart" LOL!
Some things never change. My car was repainted silver over the original Plum crazy when I bought it in the early 90s. the story was the guy before me painted it because the local police always pulled him over because they knew the guy in the "Purple Dart" LOL!

I have gotten of on a warning before, but you know, they always come with sermons

One officer ended with "so im letting you off with a warning today, but son, you're driving a bright orange duster...if you act out we will know"
Why, do they have good pot there?

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As mentioned above, likely coming in from WA which has been "de" criminalized. Pot in Idaho is still no joke. I don't use the stuff, myself Spokane (Spokamentro) is also considered quite a meth pipeline. For many years, Spokane was in the top 10 cities of the US for car theft by population, and for quite a few years was up in the top 6 or so I'm watching the so called "news" right now, and Spokane just had another 16 year old murdered (likely drugs) and last week or so was another. For the small cowtown that it be, Spokamentro has a lot of **** goin on
The 40 hp 61 Sea King gave me "hope" briefly. It was stuck but came loose easy. I oiled it up and cranked it on the starter. Then...........I wiggled the flywheel back and forth and it feels like the rod bearings--which are needle bearings and will RUST if water gets in---fell rough and some play. So I doubt this engine is goin' anywhere Just came in can NOT get the flywheel popped off. I have a puller, and heated the wheel some with a LP torch.
Yup they draw cops like flies to ****. Some because they just want to look at car. Others because they think here’s an easy mark. So ya gotta keep your ducks in a row.
I have had the exact opposite experience in the 6 years that I drove my Barracuda from Victoria to Moparfest I never had a cop do any more than give me the thumbs up and I don't drive the speed limit anywhere . The OPP in Northern Ontario are notorious for being Richards and even they have just smiled and nodded as I go by doing 100 in an 80 .
PS whoever thought it was a good Idea to drop the Trans Canada Highway down to 80 for 800 miles of the most desolate roadway you will ever find needs to be chained to a tree between Kenora and Tunderbay and smothered with honey eh .
I have had the exact opposite experience in the 6 years that I drove my Barracuda from Victoria to Moparfest I never had a cop do any more than give me the thumbs up and I don't drive the speed limit anywhere . The OPP in Northern Ontario are notorious for being Richards and even they have just smiled and nodded as I go by doing 100 in an 80 .
PS whoever thought it was a good Idea to drop the Trans Canada Highway down to 80 for 800 miles of the most desolate roadway you will ever find needs to be chained to a tree between Kenora and Tunderbay and smothered with honey eh .
Everybody does 100 in an 80 up North. Like my son says "If you don't the cops will pull you over and check your car for drugs or illegal things". Been lucky so far when going to his place.
Everybody does 100 in an 80 up North. Like my son says "If you don't the cops will pull you over and check your car for drugs or illegal things". Been lucky so far when going to his place.
Been lucky so far? Why are you hauling drugs to your sons and haven't been caught yet?
In Pa. State Police have radar guns for speed traps, now I hear they are wanting to let local police have them. They are trying to recoup revenue they lost from the covid shutdowns is what I'm thinking. As an observation, people are driving too fast. i am usually in the slow lane doing 70-75 and people go around me:) The norm has been, a speed trap by state troopers once a month, all other times no speed traps and local police just come out and scrape you and your car up when you wreck. State troopers write the tickets local police do wreckage cleanup.
How about PA State Troopers dressing as construction workers and sitting in a PennDOT truck.
I remember going to Virginia Beach on I-70 in the 90's. We saw a Maryland State cop sitting in the crossover in the median. When we got closer... it was a fake, a plywood cop car.
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How about PA State Troopers dressing as construction workers and sitting in a PennDOT truck.
I remember going to Virginia Beach on I-70 in the 90's. We saw a Maryland State cop sitting in the crossover in the median. When we got closer... it was a fake, a plywood cop car.
In winterpeg manisnowba the school zones are all reduced to 30 km city cops will park an unmanned patrol car somewhere close. Best just avoid the area altogether. Same with school buses just stay away
Everybody does 100 in an 80 up North. Like my son says "If you don't the cops will pull you over and check your car for drugs or illegal things". Been lucky so far when going to his place.[/QUOTE

Yeah but my speedo is in MPH not KMH lol . Truth is with the different tire and wheel combo's I've had I seldom know how fast I'm really going I just know it always reads faster on the radar slow down signs than the math in my head says it should be .
PS aren't drugs legal here now ?