I have had the exact opposite experience in the 6 years that I drove my Barracuda from Victoria to Moparfest I never had a cop do any more than give me the thumbs up and I don't drive the speed limit anywhere . The OPP in Northern Ontario are notorious for being Richards and even they have just smiled and nodded as I go by doing 100 in an 80 .
PS whoever thought it was a good Idea to drop the Trans Canada Highway down to 80 for 800 miles of the most desolate roadway you will ever find needs to be chained to a tree between Kenora and Tunderbay and smothered with honey eh .
Everybody does 100 in an 80 up North. Like my son says "If you don't the cops will pull you over and check your car for drugs or illegal things". Been lucky so far when going to his place.