74 power wagon dream truck...

I like what ya did there. Let me see that wood frame thing you built to pull the bed.. might have to copy that.
It was essentially just three 4x4 pressure treated posts. Two of them cut to length to fit underneath the bed rail with a little 2 ft piece of 2x4 underneath the bed rail and a 8-footer just going down the center in front to back. I did measure center of the two going side to side so the 8-ft are going from front to back was centered. Then we put the chain a little towards the front cuz there was no tailgate and there was a couple in his case homemade gas tanks under the front part of the bed to make it a little heavier up front. With that said once we put some tension on it we took long deck screws and toenailed everything together and even a couple in between the chain links as it wrapped around the center of the 2x4 going from front to back just so nothing slid. And giving enough chain to where it didn't pinch the arm as it came to reach out as you pull up it starts to come hit the lift arm and then try to **** it side ways. A couple small test lifts for balance and then off you go...