Starter issues again!

I feel your pain. I just replaced my working starter with a parts yard "mini" off of an 01 in prep for header install. First ride with it yesterday I was out about 75 miles filling up an nothing. No click. Started on the third try figured that's odd. Finished the cruise with a few more stops and drove back home. About 200 miles total. Had to push it into the garage last night after several attempts to start. Will troubleshoot this week. It looks like it was a replacement starter so may be suspect. Will see. Sure am glad I made it home.

Found it!!! Easy fix. I removed the battery ground when I replaced the starter. I must have bumped the brown wire/connector at the starter solenoid. It was on the terminal but loose. Always check the easy stuff first. BTW. That little starter really turns the engine over nice but I kinda miss that mopar cranking sound.