Engine Builders-KB356 Piston Milling

I definitely appreciate you taking the time to respond and the knowledge you provide. Thats why I reach out because this is all new to me and I have read that "wise men seek wise counsel". I know when I am entering areas unfamiliar and I would rather learn the mistake now rather than be able to provide a catastrophic anecdotal failure.

The biggest problem was the information I gave at the beginning was not accurate or complete. Thats my fault and I understand that now more today that yesterday which is my main goal.......learning as much as possible. This lent itself to a lot of conflicting information being posted from members that were just going by what bad information I provided. Bad information renders bad advice.

This is the first motor I have assembled and I purchased it as a used assembled long block with very little knowledge on what components it was comprised of so a lot of investigative work has went into just trying to figure out what I have. Mistakes have been made and I am sure will continue as I learn.

I listen, but I equally listen to everyone and because you had correct information that I omitted and misrepresented you were ahead of everyone on this one for sure. I appreciate you taking the time to explain for hard learners like me.

And I think the piston you're referencing is the KB416. Its this same piston without the quench pad I think. I thought that's what these were at first til I cleaned them and was able to find a part number.

Thanks everyone for their input!
Take it lightly. I'm just busting balls.
Yes... I know these pistons well and knew more than you thought you had figured...which is why i butt in so hard.
I don't fault you for anything, well... maybe for listening to all the other wrong stuff and going along with it at 1st. Lol.
For a min it was all paved in and tamped with some already onto debating how the compression will or wont work on pump gas.
Get the #416 pistons or just just run those and dont worry about the octane with them the way they are. Good luck and have fun.