Oil pan

Not tryin to turn this into a for sale or wanted thread anymore than it already is, but here's what I found. The one on the left is the "wrong pan" I cleaned up and bolted on last night. I don't know what it fits. The one on the right is the "KNOWN" early A body pan. Notice how the sump starts farther back than the one on the left, to allow clearance for the K member. Now we come to the one I dug out of the pile in the center. It's another "I don't know what it fits". However, like the known early A body pan, the sump starts farther back. The sump is also a little shorter in the rear than the early A body pan. I believe it will fit though. Again, I am not treating this thread as trying to sell something, I want more opinions as to whether yall think it will fit the early A chassis, like the pan on the right. I think it will, but I don't know for sure.

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I'm wrong about the pan on the left, I just had to go down stairs and look. It seems to be closer to the one on the right. oil pan.jpg oil pan1.jpg