How to interact with a police officer(s)

Great Big ******* Problem my friend. I've "interacted" with cops many years ago before I became hard of hearing, who talk really fast, turn their head away as they are mumbling and on and on

WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE WHO ARE DEAF? Or very hard of hearing? Or hard of hearing because of roaring traffic in the background, plus maybe, gusting loud winds?

Much as I hate to admit it WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE who are sick, hi, otherwise impaired? Do they deserve to die?
I don’t want to sound insensitive, but folks that are: deaf, under the influence, high, or have some other disability and are a danger to others or themselves don’t get a free pass due to their affliction or lifestyle choice. Police have a responsibility to protect them self and enforce the law.
I had a neighbor that became fully deaf in mid life due to some kind of infection. She did become a competent lip reader and she carried printed cards that she would pass to people she met that had printed on them, ‘ I am deaf, but can lip read, for us to talk I need to see your face’. That is an example of a person with an affliction taking responsible action so they can communicate regardless of the affliction.
If the folks you mentions with afflictions and addictions took the action and responsibility to communicate instead of expecting the police to magically and suddenly adapt to that persons condition, it would be easier on them and the police.