How to interact with a police officer(s)

Regarding the Taser/Gun fiasco, IMHO... First, the guy killed started off by having a warrant and bad registration. Next he should not have tried to run. That started the chain of events.

With that out of the way...

I watched the video...

The cop that shot him was obviously incompetent to the point of negligence. Probably some sort of affirmative action type hire because she was female. She should not have drawn the gun plain and simple. The taser should be holstered on the left side of her body (assuming she's right handed) so that she has to reach to draw. It's part of training and being able to perform her job under pressure.

Next, the male cop that pulled him out of the car didn't pull him out to the rear of the car and keep him under control while he was being handcuffed. That gave him the opportunity to escape while he fumbled with the cuffs. Bad training there too, but this cop's mistake should have only lead to the guy escaping rather than his death, so I find it a bit hard to assign blame to him, although there is some. If he was trained correctly, that would have been second nature.

So, you have two dumbasses coming together and one of them ending up dead.

Proper training would have prevented this... The dead guy behaving himself like he should have would have prevented it too.

This is not ragging on cops at all... I think most are much better trained, have more common sense and will perform better under pressure than she did. At least the cops I know would. She should not be a cop... Ever... Anyplace...