How to interact with a police officer(s)

Never have had any problems with any LEO in my adult life. As an immature teenager was another story. Didn’t know what showing (or having) respect for authority was at the time. Most learn early, eventually or the hard way, and in many cases sadly never. You either actually respect authority and know how to show it or you don’t respect authority yet know how to show it. Anything less is a recipe for problems. Either one is smart enough to know how it works or simply has some underlying unresolved personal issue(s). Intelligence or ignorance will decide an outcome usually.

people tell me all the time that my kids are so polite and well behaved and it got me thinking, i never, never tried to teach my kids to be polite BUT i do believe both my and my wife are both rather polite

so i have become convinced that "more is caught then taught"

know what else i noticed? most people who lack respect also lack a daddy

i dont want to make thins into a religious debate but there is a reason God designed the family with a mom and a dad
(in fact look at what happened to the kids who had "bad" fathers in the Bible, very interesting and looks a lot like what we see here)