Any vegans here?

I was borderline pre-diabetic so I drastically cut back on sugar and carbs. Now my fasting blood sugar is much better as well as A1C. Question: How can you have diabetes (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)??
I missed your question, and likely worded my post poorly. Both hypoglycemia and diabetes is rampant on my Mother's side of the family. I WAS hypo from about 25 up till maybe 10 years ago, and started sliding the other direction. The last few--5 years or so--I've been banging on the "borderline" door. I just had a test a few weeks ago before doc appointment and am still "below the limit." This was a poor time to test. I'm still fighting healing ribs, and am/ have not been very active over winter, which always happens to some exctent. I always lose a few pounds and improve blood sugar a bit in the spring/ summer