driveshaft experts, quiestion about dents in an aluminum driveshaft

I've been looking to use a Dakota aluminum driveshaft after I do a transmission swap (don't want to shorten original shaft, so need another one anyway). I was currently planning on using the 42RH so the shaft/ yoke would be correct on the front end. The rear would need a u joint to work with an 8 3/4. Every shaft I have found has been damaged by the forklifts the junkyard uses to move the trucks around. They put a flat spot on the shafts from the fork. I don't know when shortening the shaft, if the the dented spot would be far back to be removed.

So the question is does the dent in the shaft ruin it to where it is not safe to use or is it possible to bang the dent back out and it is OK??? I feel that once it is dented by the fork lift, it is trash. I've asked the yard before if they could take the shaft off before moving but they don't care and would sell the shaft at the same price...damaged or not.