Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good evening, everyone. I'm not sure what time zones you're all in, but it's evening here. I just left my second chiropractic appointment out of twelve (3/week for a month). I procrastinated for a couple years (yes, years) but finally decided to give it a try when I realized my constant back pain was beginning to take a toll on every day life. At 25 years old, I could not imagine how I'd feel at 50. After my first visit, I could tell my spine was not as contorted, but still had residual muscle pain. Second time I was in and out in ten minutes. Little difference this time.

I've been skeptical that this type of treatment actually works, but I have noticed slight results. After all, I've only been twice now. Anyone else have an opinion about chiropractors?
I have had very good luck with chiropractic. I went through the medical, orthopedic, neurological route and all 3 had a different answer and treatment. In fact, My chiro called me today wondering if I was ok. I hadn't been in for a couple months. LOL (I am much better now that I retired and I don't bounce around in the tool truck) I have a chiro. story to tell and I will try to make it short. I was having left side chest pains (years ago). My medical doctor sent me to a cardiologist. They started with a stress/treadmill test with EKG which I passed with flying colors. I was having chest pains on the treadmill but no issues on the ekg. They sent me home. I mentioned it to my chiro the next day and she poked around and found a rib out of place. A simple adjustment and I left the office pain free. She has cured my elbow pain the neurologist wanted to do surgery on and sciatica that the orthopedic dr wanted to fit me with a shoe appliance for. (one leg longer than the other) If I have issues, I go to my chiropractor first. Sorry I am so long winded.