'69 windshield gasket...two kinds of sealer?

Thank you, but not according to what I've found. I am very familiar with bedding compound...I also have a tube of it on hand and used most of that tube on the last windshield. To offer additional clarity, I have prepared further photographic evidence:

In the top photograph, you see the mystery gray sealer that is on my Dart from just above the bottom of each A-pillar around the top gasket fence. It is NOT along the bottom windshield channel. That material is soft, gooey bedding compound..without a doubt.

In the second photograph I have prepared a "slide" lol with 3 representative samples as notated. On the left is new bedding compound right out of the tube 15 minutes ago, then in the center is 53yo(Nov 68) bedding compound scraped off the bottom windshield channel about 2 hours ago with considerable difficulty. On the right is the gray sealant which we can see is a different color and a different material, which scrapes off in mostly hardened flakes and small strips. This is the exact material which was around the entire gasket on the Plymouth produced a year earlier and which had evidently dried and shrunk to the point the gasket began to leak.

Now I understand...this is not an easy question which can be answered with stock replies. Somebody knows the truth here and what went on at Hamtramck's windshield installation booth in 1967 and '68. Hopefully that person or persons will step forward. The easy route would be to keep saying "just use bedding compound, Tyler, that's what we ALL use", but I'm not satisfied with the easy route. I want to know what the gray stuff is and not just for me. It's for all the people who might have been afraid to fight against the status quo when doing a windshield gasket. LOL in all seriousness, thanks again.