Random project thread - no car related stuff

that reminds me of a joke

there are these three clergyman, a baptist, a catholic and a reformer who have coffee together once a week and discuss their differences in doctrine and what not
so one day they are in their local diner, and the topic of discussion is was prayer

the Baptist said "it is my conviction that prayer works best when im prostrate on the floor"
the Catholic says "no no no, prayer must always take place from a kneeled position"
the Reformer says "come on guys, physical posture doesn't affect prayer life, prayer is about your internal attitude

one of the locals, lets call him Dell, is a retired line man, and he always liked listening in on these conversations and usually he keep to himself, but this time, he decided to intermingle into the conversation

"excuse me guys" he says "but i have found i do my best praying hanging upside down from my safety lanyard on a 200 foot radio tower